Saeedeh Rad is a native of Iran and studied and taught art in Tehran before moving to Irvine California. She is an abstract modernist painter whose work is inspired by late 20th Century Masters. Rad is intrigued by children's imagination and she reaches for new ways of depicting it through expressions in color and abstract form. Rad's work has expanded from canvas to ceramic as she stretches the boundaries of expression and interpretation of what most of us consider the hidden and private world of imagination.

Ðîäèëàñü â Èðàíå. Õóäîæíèê, êåðàìèñò, ïåäàãîã. Ó÷èëàñü è ïðåïîäàâàëà èñêóññòâî â Òåãåðàíå, çàòåì ïåðååõàëà â Èðâàé (Êàëèôîðíèÿ). Èçëþáëåííûé ñòèëü - àáñòðàêòíûé ìîäåðí. Ñâîé áîãàòûé ìèð âîîáðàæåíèÿ ðàñïðåäåëÿåò ìåæäó õîëñòîì è êåðàìèêîé. Êàê ïåäàãîã Ðàä âîñõèùàåòñÿ íåïîñðåäñòâåííîñòüþ äåòñêèõ ôàíòàçèé è ñòðåìèòñÿ íàïðàâèòü èõ â ðóñëî ïðîãðåññèâíûõ ïðåäñòàâëåíèé î öâåòå è ôîðìàõ.

Rad Saeedeh

Ðàä Ñàèäå

sponsored by

Mimi and Allen Jafari

722 Veneto, Irvine

CA 92614, USA

Tel: (949) 679 7844


"The view of the truth" Oil & pastel, 100x100 cm, 2002

"Âçãëÿä íà èñòèíó" Ìàñëî è ïàñòåëü, 100õ100 ñì, 2002

"City and the silence" Oil & pastel

on board, 60x27 cm, 2002

"Ãîðîä è òèøèíà" Ìàñëî è

ïàñòåëü, äåðåâî, 60õ27 ñì, 2002


National Museum of Art,  Project "Art of Silk Road"

196 Baytik Baatyr street, 720000, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, Tel.: 996 (312) 66-14-47

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Copyright© Art of Silk Road Exhibition Organizing Committee